SWH is open and operating under normal business hours. We are continuing to care for our patients. If you have a scheduled appointment, please plan to keep this appointment unless you are experiencing symptoms like fever, cough, congestion, sore throat, runny nose or shortness of breath.
If you are a patient who is experiencing these symptoms, please call our office at (530) 338-0002 during regular business hours.
Below are frequently asked questions related to COVID-19 as it relates to our patients and community. The FAQs below are subject to change based on the receipt of more current information. The information on this page is subject to modification, pending guidance from the CDC and Shasta County Public Health.
Can I bring children and family members/caregivers to my appointment(s)?
Please avoid bringing children under 12 to the clinic. If necessary, we ask that you bring only one additional person to your appointment(s).
What should I do if I have cold or flu symptoms?
If you must see your team and have active symptoms, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, or other respiratory symptoms including congestion or runny nose, please call our office at (530) 338-0002 prior to your appointment. Our staff will provide guidance about whether you should come to the clinic or wait until your symptoms are gone.
Are patients screened for respiratory symptoms?
Yes, all patients are being screened for symptoms of respiratory illness at the entrance to the clinic.
Should I wear a mask in the clinic?
In our ongoing effort in prioritizing the health and well-being of staff and patients, we are requiring everyone to wear facial coverings while visiting our offices at all locations.
Should I be worried about getting infected with COVID-19 at SWH?
SWH has extensive and thorough infection control procedures, and we will do everything we can to ensure the health and safety of our community. We have protocols and systems in place to keep all patients, visitors and healthcare workers safe.
We are in touch with Shasta County Public Health about next steps. We will continue routine cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counter tops, door handles and seats. The disinfectants that we use are effective at killing COVID-19.
Please be assured that SWH has a robust and strict Infection Prevention protocol to safeguard the health and safety of our patients and staff.
Is there anything I can do to keep myself, my family and friends safe?
The most important steps to take are the same as for every cold and flu season:
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Practice good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Plan how you will take care of sick family members. Make plans for childcare if you are sick or if your child is sick. Have a thermometer at home so you can check for fever if you or a loved one feels ill.
- Stay informed – check the CDC site regularly for new updates.